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Faculty List





Articles in Periodicals

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 Kindness prevails: A view on the efforts of social work educational institutions in South India during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Dialogue - Free Magazine of The International Association of Schools of Social Work Biannual 29/12/2021
2 Community Development Project of Centre for Social Action (CSA), India IFSW Newsletter Annual 01/06/2016

Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Social groupwork for promoting psychological well-being of adolescents enrolled in sponsorship programs F1000Research 30-Jun-2021 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Social groupwork for promoting psychological well-being of adolescents enrolled in sponsorship programs
Name of Journal F1000Research
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://f1000research.com/articles/10-520
Date of Publication 30-Jun-2021
2 Impact of lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic on the learning status of undergraduate and postgraduate students of Bangalore International Journal of Special Education 05-Mar-2021 2557 / 2569 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Impact of lockdown during COVID-19 pandemic on the learning status of undergraduate and postgraduate students of Bangalore
Name of Journal International Journal of Special Education
Volume No 2557
Issue No 2569
Page No -
URL http://www.internationalsped.com/ijse/issue/view/31
Date of Publication 05-Mar-2021
3 Psychosocial well-being of Adolescents from Disadvantaged Families International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 06-Mar-2020 11 / 1 / 2745-2755

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Psychosocial well-being of Adolescents from Disadvantaged Families
Name of Journal International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Volume No 11
Issue No 1
Page No 2745-2755
URL http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJDRBC/issue/view/267
Date of Publication 06-Mar-2020


Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study) ISBN Month Year
1 Reference book Minority Women in K-12 Education Leadership: Challenges, Resilience, and Support Managing stress, traumatic experiences, life skill training, and leading with a purpose 979-836931774-7, 979-836931773-0 Mar 2024

Additional information

Type of Book Reference book
Type of Work Book
Sole Authored/Co Authored Co-Authored
Title of Book Minority Women in K-12 Education Leadership: Challenges, Resilience, and Support
Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study) Managing stress, traumatic experiences, life skill training, and leading with a purpose
Month/Year Mar/2024
ISBN 979-836931774-7, 979-836931773-0
Publishing Company/Institution IGI Global
Level International publisher
2 Reference book Models for Social Responsibility Action by Higher Education Institutions Sustainable environment protection and waste management in higher education institutions: A case study 979-889113251-1, 979-889113097-5 Mar 2024

Additional information

Type of Book Reference book
Type of Work Book
Sole Authored/Co Authored Co-Authored
Title of Book Models for Social Responsibility Action by Higher Education Institutions
Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study) Sustainable environment protection and waste management in higher education institutions: A case study
Month/Year Mar/2024
ISBN 979-889113251-1, 979-889113097-5
Publishing Company/Institution Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Level International publisher
3 Reference book Applications of Service Learning in Higher Education Life skills for personal well-being 979-836932134-8, 979-836932133-1 Mar 2024

Additional information

Type of Book Reference book
Type of Work Book
Sole Authored/Co Authored Co-Authored
Title of Book Applications of Service Learning in Higher Education
Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study) Life skills for personal well-being
Month/Year Mar/2024
ISBN 979-836932134-8, 979-836932133-1
Publishing Company/Institution IGI Global
Level International publisher

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Seminar Participant International webinar on ?Digital safety of women from sexual exploitation and human trafficking ? 17/08/2021 Maris Stella College . Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh , India. International
2 Conference Presenter National Webinar on COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Work Engagements and Challenges Exploitation of women survivor of human trafficking during the Covid-19 pandemic in Karnataka 25/02/2021 Department of Social Work, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous). Kochi, Kerala. National
3 Seminar Moderator/Chair Webinar Series On Social Justice # 1 15/01/2021 Christ University National
4 Symposium Participant Symposium on Human Trafficking- Preventive measures 19/11/2020 Centre for Women's studies, Andhra University & IJM National
5 Conference Presenter n "Women migrant workers: Issues and Challenges" ?We Are With Them Always?: Voluntary Organizations' Relief Measures For The Migrants During COVID 19 Pandemic Situation." 14/10/2020 Dhruti, Centre for Women?s Studies of St. Ann's College for Women, Hyderabad sponsered by National Commission for Women, New Delhi. National
6 Seminar Participant Reshaping Relationships : Post pandemic impacts on Family 24/07/2020 Little Flower Institute of Social Sciences and Health National
7 Seminar Participant Biodiversity, connecting the nature 14/07/2020 Christ University National
8 Seminar Participant ?How to write and get published in peer-reviewed journals? 12/06/2020 Christ University National
9 Conference Moderator/Chair National Level Multidisciplinary Conference on Business and Humanities - opportunities and challenges 19/02/2020 St Paulss college, Nagasandra National
10 Seminar Participant 6th National Peace Convention Bangalore 30/01/2020 National Peace Movement, Indore National
11 Conference Co-presenter DYUTI 2020 National Conference on Migration and Social Inclusion : Perspectives for HUman Rights and Social work Practice 09/01/2020 Rajagiri College of Social Sicences, Kochi, Kerala National
12 Seminar Participant Orientation of participating institutes to initiate work in adopted village clusters 04/01/2020 Christ University Regional
13 Conference Presenter 5th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development : Emerging Trends Transition from Childhood Education System to Skill Based Employability Trainings in Schools 15/11/2019 SDMIMD International
14 Conference Participant 5th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development : Emerging Trends 15/11/2019 SDMIMD International
15 Conference Moderator/Chair 25th Asia - Pacific joint Regional Social Work Conference 2019 19/10/2019 CHRIST ( Deemed to be University), NIMHANS & INPSWA International
16 Conference Participant 25th Asia - Pacific joint Regional Social Work Conference 2019 17/09/2019 CHRIST ( Deemed to be University), NIMHANS & INPSWA International
17 Seminar Presenter Regional Seminar on Education, Empowerment and Emancipation Social work education and Professional code of ethics 04/03/2019 Insian Social Institute, Bangalore Regional
18 Conference Participant Sensitization on the Inclusion of students with disabilities - Towards an Inclusive culture & Pedagogy 01/10/2018 Christ University International
19 Seminar Participant Health & Environment - Exhibition and Seminar by Voluntary organisations 11/09/2018 Christ University Regional
20 Conference Participant Scholar Express 13/07/2018 Christ University National
21 Conference Participant GLobal Action Week for Education 2018 - Citizen Action for Accountable Governments 26/04/2018 Christ University Regional
22 Conference Presenter National conference on Green Social Work Green Social Work and Professional social work 27/02/2018 Kristujayanthi college, Bengaluru National
23 Conference Participant International Summit on Child rights : Education matters for Life 04/12/2017 Christ University International
24 Conference Participant Two days National Level Capacity Building Workshop for Child Rights Social Workers 18/08/2016 INPSWA, CRT, IFSW National
25 Conference Participant A state level consultation on children in difficult circumstance (CIDC) 18/07/2016 Christ University National
26 Seminar Participant NEET?S IN NEED 27/06/2016 FSL India and CSA Institutional
27 Seminar Participant Scope for Child Rights and Protection in Social Work Education Seminar for Social Work Faculty 12/05/2016 UNICEF and ICPS Regional
28 Conference Participant Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary approaches 11/02/2013 Centre for social research in association with Deanery of Humanities and Social Sciences, Christ University, Bangalore. Institutional
29 Conference Presenter National Conference on Health issues and Challenges, Innovative Strategies and Solutions Developmental changes in adolescence and reproductive health: An intervention study among adolescent girls of children?s home, Kerala, India. 01/02/2013 Indian Institute for Health Management & Research National
30 Conference Participant National conference on Health issues and challenge 01/02/2013 IHMR, Bangalore Regional
31 Conference Presenter Annual National Conference Effect of Intervention on subjective well-being of adolescent girls in the Children's Home, Thrissur, Kerala 05/01/2012 Christ University International
32 Conference Presenter Annual National Conference Prevention of Mental illness and improvement of Mental health in Women 05/01/2012 Christ University International
33 Conference Presenter Inclusive Education: Paradigm Shift from Charity to Development - Christ University International
34 Seminar Presenter Adolescent Mental Health - Christ University Regional
35 Conference Presenter Family environment and Adjustment of institutionalized women: A case study from Mysore - Christ University National
36 Conference Presenter Stress among parents having Epileptic Children - Christ University National
37 Seminar Presenter Adolescent Counseling in Schools - Christ University National
38 Conference Presenter Social Work Intervention for psychosocial well-being of Adolescent girls in the children's home, Kerala - Christ University National
39 Seminar Presenter Importance of adolescent counseling : Role of peer group training - Christ University Regional
40 Conference Presenter Status of Women in Thrissur District, Kerala - Christ University Regional
41 Conference Presenter Student presentation on "Project Cycle" - Christ University National
42 Participant UGC sponsored Southern Regional Conference on Comm - Madras School of Social Work, Chennai Regional
43 Participant Interdisciplinary Approaches to Social Realities; - Centre for Social Research, Department of Social Work, Christ University Regional
44 Participant Annual National Conference of Indian Society of P - Indian Society of Professional Social work, NIMHANS, Bangalore National
45 Participant International Conference on Women and Mental Healt - National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, School of Social Work, Roshini Nilaya, Mangalore, Karnataka and Flinders University, Australia International
46 Participant Training Programme on Planning and Designing of Pr - NIPCCD, Bangalore Regional
47 Participant National Seminar on "Research Methods for Social W - RM College of Social Work & Research Centre ( ICSW - AP) National
48 Participant Training course on Research Methodology - " Quanti - The Centre for Doctoral Research, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kalamassery , Kochi Regional
49 Participant Training of Trainers and Professionals in GENDER - HIDFORUM, Bangalore Regional
50 Participant National Conference on Transactional Analysis - TA Association , Cochin National
51 Participant HIV/AIDS Sensitization Programme - SAC & Dept. of social work, Vimala College, Kerala Regional
52 Participant National Workshop on Research and Publication - Centre for Research and Centre for education beyond curriculum National
53 Conference Presenter Self esteem of adolescent girls - Christ University International
54 Seminar Presenter Evaluation of Ujjwala Scheme - Christ University Regional
55 Participant Seminar on Human Trafficking - Dept of Social Work, Christ University and International Justice MIssion, Bangalore Regional
56 Participant Social Work Practitioner's Meet - Dept of Social Work, Christ University Regional
57 Participant Consultation on Post Millenium Development Goal Pr - World Vision India Regional
58 Participant National Research Conference on Human Trafficking - Department of Social Work, Christ University and International Justice Mission, Bangalore National
59 Participant South Asian Conference on ?Dignity and Worth of Pe - KAPSW, Bengaluru and Department of Social Work, Christ University, Bangalore International
60 Participant International Seminar on Supervision and Contextua - Diakonhjemmet University College, Norway International
61 Symposium Presenter Planning and Implementation of Programmes for Adolescents - Christ University Regional

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Project Proposal Writing the Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on ?Research and Technical Skill Enhancement? 02/01/2023 CHRIST 9 Deemed to be University), Lavasa, Pune
2 Parivarthana Unit: A case study on waste management by higher educational Institutions Virtual Exchange Programme of Global - Express, Explore and Exchange 25/08/2021 Office of International affairs, CHRIST Deemed to be University
3 Preparing for Research grant proposals, consultancy Projects and Publications 5 Days International level FDP 04/01/2021 Jain Deemed to be University, Bangalore
4 Preparing for Research grant proposals, consultancy Projects and Publications 5 Days International level FDP 04/01/2021 Jain Deemed to be University, Bangalore
5 Working with Adolescents : Challenges and opportunities FDP 07/09/2020 St. Aloysius Degree College & Centre for Post Graduate Studies
6 Think equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change - International Women's Day 2019 International Women's Day 2019 07/03/2019 World Vision India
7 Proposal writing techniques and skills for minor projects and research projects Student Skill Development programme 28/07/2018 Department of Social Work St. Joseph's College (autonomous) Bengaluru.
8 Orientation to the School Heads on Adolescent issues Annual Review Meeting of the School Heads 25/01/2016 Maria Seva Sangha, Bangalore

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Psychosocial well being of adolescent girls : An intervention study Dr. Mary Venus Joseph Mahatma Gandhi University 25/03/2011

MPhil/PhD Guided/Adjudicated

Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 Factors Influencing the limited presence of women chefs in hotel industry : A study with special references to Bengaluru N Usharani Bharathiar University July 2018
2 Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Work - Life Balance among Academicians in Pre University colleges Tony Thomas Mathew Christ University March 2019
3 Knowledge of Reproductive Health and Practices among Rural Women Sruthi Narayanan Christ University February 2018
4 Play Therapy as a Rehabilitative Measure Among Child Survivors of Bonded Labour Raveena Adam Joseph Christ University January 2018
5 Parental Training program for the parents of children with learning disability : A social work Intervention Study Muthulakshmi R Bharathiar University October 2019
7 The Efficacy of Life Skill Training among Paniya Tribal Adolescent Girls in Wayanad: An Intervention Study JISHAMOL THOMAS Christ University July 2021

Research Project

Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 A Study on effectiveness of the "Ujjawala Scheme" for the Prevention of Trafficking, Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking in Karnataka State Internal
2 Assessment on Selection criteria of “ Bhagyalakshmi” scheme in Mandya District, Karnataka Govt. of Karnataka External
3 Residential care of adolescent girls and young woman adults : A biographic research on challenges and success in residential care in India and Switzerland SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, ANURADHA S,SHEEJA.KARALAMRENATE STOHLER SWISSNEX External
4 A study on effectiveness of the "Ujjawala Scheme" for the prevention of Trafficking, Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of Trafficking in Karnataka SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, BHARATHI Internal
5 Baseline study of Born Learning Campaign (BLC): Assessing early childhood care of Children aged 0 to 6 years at Anganwadis VICTOR PAUL, AMARESHA C,SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM United Way Bengaluru External
6 Welfare needs of the survivors of Human Trafficking: A multi stakeholder approach VICTOR PAUL, SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM,HEMALATHA K,JOSHY K J,SUDIPTA GARAI ICSSR External
7 One day National Conference on "Women in Climate change" SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM ICSSR SRC External
8 Legal Awareness Programme SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM National Commission for Women, Newdelhi External
9 Strengthening the Public participation in ensuring Protection of Rights of Women and Children by setting up Anti?Human Trafficking Clubs (AHTC) in 100 Educational Institutions of Karnataka SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, SHEEJA.KARALAMANITHA KANAYA Star Health and Allied Insurance Co.Ltd., Chennai External
10 Curriculum Development - Project 1 SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, SUREKHA C ,CYRIL JOHN India Vision Foundation External
11 Curriculum Implementation - Project 2 SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, CYRIL JOHN ,SUREKHA C India Vision Foundation External
12 Curriculum Development & Implementation for the wellbeing of the children of prison inmates in the age group of 9-12 years and their caretakers. SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, SUREKHA C ,CYRIL JOHN ,SABU JOHN A India Vision Foundation External
13 Curriculum Development & Implementation for the wellbeing of the children of prison inmates in the age group of 9-12 years and their caretakers. (Implementation Phase) SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, SUREKHA C ,CYRIL JOHN ,SABU JOHN A,SWATI PATHAK India Vision Foundation External
14 Guidelines on social work Practice education & Internationalization: A critical review , DR INGVILD HUSE ,DR NORBY PAUL IASSW External
15 Legal Awareness Programme SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM National Commission for Women, GoI. External
16 Guidelines on social work Practice education & Internationalization : A critical review. SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, SHEEJA.KARALAMNATSUKO MINAMINO PH.D., LCW,SHEEJA.KARALAMINGVILD HUSE,SHEEJA.KARALAMNORBY PAUL International Schools of Social Work (IASSW) External
17 International Workshop on Technology for Peace RAJESH KANNA R, MOHANA PRIYA T,SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM FSL India, Bangalore and Erasmus Project, The European Union External
18 Capacity Building programme on Artificial Intelligence for SIRD Staff Members RAJESH KANNA R, TULASI B,SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM Abdul Nazir Sab State Institute of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj External
19 Student Workshop on Project Proposal Writing & Field Trip to Visit NGOs (3 days) 9-11 January 2025 SHEEJA REMANI B KARALAM, EMMANUEL DANIEL,VIGNESHWARAN S A Bharata Mata School of Social Work Bharata Mata College (Autonomous), Thrikkakara, Kochi, Kerala, 68 External

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE Staff Development College Institutional 05/12/2022
2 Create Charts and Dashboard using Google Sheets Coursera Project network International 02/02/2022
3 Faculty Development Programme (FDP I) Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) Institutional 16/06/2021
4 Coursera Project Network Coursera International 31/05/2021
5 Advanced Google classroom for Education Coursera International 31/05/2021
6 Online National Level Workshop on Project Proposal Writing Nodal Office, CHRIST [Deemed to be University] Thiruvananthapuram Kerala National 10/04/2021
7 How to Publish with Oxford Journals Oxford University Press National 27/07/2020
8 Executive Presence on Video Conference Calls LinkedIn Learning International 05/07/2020
9 Project Management Foundations LinkedIN Learning International 30/06/2020
10 How to make a MOOC COURSERA International 06/06/2020
11 QIP 2020 Academic Staff College 22/04/2020
12 Integration of Rubric in Google classroom 30M Training, and powered by Media Studies & IT Services Institutional 27/11/2018
13 Google classroom 30M Training, and powered by Media Studies & IT Services Institutional 15/11/2018
14 QIP on Subject & Curriculum updation Academic Staff College 17/05/2018
15 Training for PhD Supervisors Centre for Research Institutional 13/01/2018
16 Application of SPSS in Social Science Reseach Dr D K Laldas, Research Educator and Consultant, Examometer National 11/01/2018
17 One Day training programme on Human Rights Department of sociaology and Social Work Institutional 11/12/2017
18 International Summit on Child rights Department of sociaology and Social Work International 04/12/2017
19 Social Media Addiction : Psychosocial Challenges of Millennial Teenagers Department of Social work, Kristu jayanti College Regional 23/09/2017
20 Research and Publication CU - Academic Staff College, Christ University, Bangalore 18/01/2016
21 Competency Building in Curricular Aspects CU - Academic Staff College, Christ University, Bangalore Institutional 01/10/2015
22 Project Planning and Management CU - Academic Staff College, Christ University, Bangalore 07/04/2015
23 Training the Trainers on Psychosocial Well being of Adolescents Dept of Social Work National 21/04/2014
24 Is work ethics a personal attribute or a professional challenge? Dept.of social work , Christ University Regional 30/07/2012
25 Workshop on Intervention Research Designs Dept.of social work, Christ University, Bangalore Institutional 27/07/2012
26 Multicultural context as a resource for social work education Dept.of social work , Christ University Regional 04/07/2012
27 Training on Psychological Counseling Psychology Department of DaVita Nephrolife, Bangalore Regional 21/05/2012
28 Child Protection Curriculum in Social Work Education Women and Child Development Department, Govt. of Karnataka Regional 28/02/2012
29 General systems and Family Therapy : Theory and Practice Department of Social Work, Christ University Regional 10/01/2012
30 Effective Parenting NIMHANS, Bangalore Regional 25/11/2011
31 Interface with Academic and Practicing Field work Supervisors Dept. of Social Work, Christ University Regional 19/11/2011
32 Workshop on Enhancing Teacher Efficacy in Social Work Education Department of Social Work, Christ University Institutional 22/08/2011
33 Workshop on " VISION - VALUE ALIGNMENT" EFIL, Bangalore Regional 14/02/2008
34 PRA approaches for Agricultural Development, by Dr. Robert Chambers, UK Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara Regional 23/09/2002
35 FAO Approaches for Gender and Development in Agriculture Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara Regional 03/01/2002
36 Gender Analysis in Agriculture Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara Regional 06/11/2000


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Resource Person Workshop on Current trends in social work research and SPSS by Dr. D.K.Lal Das, Director, Research Centre, RM College of Social Work & Research centre ( ICSW - AP) Hyderabad for the faculty members of Social work in Kerala and Karnataka Ansar Wome's College September 2006
2 Resource Person University level workshop on "Adolescent issues and Peer group training" for the selected NSS volunteers of University of Calicut, Kerala Ansar Wome's College November 2006
3 Resource Person National seminar on Mental Health Ansar Women's College July 2006
4 Resource Person National level seminar on Professional Social work Ansar Women's College July 2004
5 PhD guide ship at Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu September, 2013
6 Chair Person Chaired the technical Sessions in the National Seminar on Research in Education for Sustainable Development School of Education, Christ University, Bangalore February, 2015
7 Membership Membership in the International Association of Schools of Social Work International Association of Schools of Social Work 22 September 2021


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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